
Thursday, July 26, 2007

In the Shoes of God...

Nobody Dies of Smoking Just One Cigarette!So,get up,get going,go for it.You gotta do what you gotta do.

We are humans afterall...
The mind gets tired, needs relaxation.When throat is parched, we give it water.When stomach is empty we give it food. Similarly the mind gets tired. And afterall its Your mind, it cant be your foe.Its just like a child, needs to caressed with love.

In a way, we are all addicts, only our subjects are different.Even in a sage,there is a psychopath hidden. Even God goes against the good he defines, just to give meaning to that which he calls evil.The entire creation, the whole of manifestation is God's play ground- We are merely roleplayers in the Cosmic dance of His. God can Believe,prove,do,preach,practise absolutely anything- so can his children. Its just his Gift to his children.You too should allow yourself to be fooled sometimes, simply to get that pleasure, to measure the good in you.

So when a temptation shows up, do not panic, do not resist it,do not run away from it- Just let it come of its own, let it seep inside you and become one with it.

Then there is Unison, only then there is harmony,there is peace.

Understanding that everything we know,experience,crave for,do and die for is merely a speck of dust in the nebula of God's plans.

Its not very easy to look at world from this position, not everyone can.Only a few gifted souls know of God's plans and join him in a mood of servitude.

He is in all of us...He simply is Us.

(This might just be one of the concoctions of some deranged mind. This post is merely to give you an idea that Merely Thinking and Reasoning is not enough, what is important is to always lead them to and also derive them from Values- Real,Positive,Uplifting,Pro-life and Pro-coexistance)

Saturday, July 14, 2007

With the Summer Rain , with the Lovely Spring
Awaiting The World That Sings Of Thee
Where Magic Reigns, Dancing With Glee
In That World where thou belong, I Long To Be.